Fortinet FortiGate 600E - UTM Bundle - sikkerhetsapparat - med 1 year FortiCare 24X7 Service + 1 year FortiGuard - 10 GigE - 1U - rackmonterbar

Tilgjengelighet: 1 på lager
Sku: FG-600E-BDL-950-12
272 460,00 kr eksl mva
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The FortiGate 600E series delivers next-generation firewall capabilities for mid-sized to large enterprises, with the flexibility to be deployed at the campus or enterprise branch. It protects against cyber threats with security processor-powered high performance, security efficacy and deep visibility.

Network processor

Fortinet's advanced, breakthrough network processor works inline with FortiOS functions delivering superior firewall performance for IPv4/IPv6, SCTP and multicast traffic with ultra-low latency down to 2 microseconds, VPN, CAPWAP and IP tunnel acceleration, anomaly-based intrusion prevention, checksum offload and packet defragmentation. It also allows traffic shaping and priority queuing.

Content processor

Fortinet's powerful content processor works outside of the direct flow of traffic and accelerates the inspection of computationally intensive security features.

Security Fabric

The Security Fabric allows security to dynamically expand and adapt as more and more workloads and data are added. Security seamlessly follows and protects data, users, and applications as they move between IoT, devices, and cloud environments throughout the network. FortiGates are the foundation of Security Fabric, expanding security via visibility and control by tightly integrating with other Fortinet security products and Fabric-ready Partner solutions.


Control all the security and networking capabilities across the entire FortiGate platform with one intuitive operating system. Reduce operating expenses and save time with a truly consolidated next-generation security platform.

FortiGuard security services

FortiGuard Labs offers real-time intelligence on the threat landscape, delivering comprehensive security updates across the full range of Fortinet's solutions. Comprised of security threat researchers, engineers, and forensic specialists, the team collaborates with the outstanding threat monitoring organizations and other network and security vendors, as well as law enforcement agencies.

FortiCare support services

The FortiCare customer support team provides global technical support for all Fortinet products. FortiCare offers services to meet the needs of enterprises of all sizes.

Tjenestebundter1 year FortiCare 24X7 Service + 1 year FortiGuard
Høyde (Stativenheter)1U
Bredde43.2 cm
Dybde38 cm
Høyde4.445 cm
Vekt7.3 kg
Prosessor / Minne / Lager
Installerte prosessorerFortinet FortiASIC CP9/NP6
DatakjedeprotokollEthernet, Fast Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, 10 Gigabit Ethernet
Nettverks-/transportprotokollTCP/IP, UDP/IP, IPSec, SCTP
Protokoll for fjernstyrt administrasjonHTTP, HTTPS
YtelseIPS-gjennomløp: 10 Gbps
NGFW throughput: 9,5 Gbps
Trusselvernsgjennomløp: 7 Gbps
Brannveggjennomløp (1518-byte UDP): 36 Gbps
Brannveggjennomløp (512-byte UDP): 36 Gbps
Brannveggjennomløp (64-byte UDP): 27 Gbps
Brannvegglatens (64-byte UDP): 2 µs
Brannmurgjennomløp: 40.5 Mpps
VPN-gjennomstrømning (512-bit IPSec): 20 Gbps
VPN-gjennomløp (SSL): 7 Gbps
SSL inspeksjonsprosessering: 8 Gbps
Applikasjonskontroll-gjennomløp (AVC): 15 Gbps
CAPWAP-gjennomløp: 18 Gbps
KapasitetSamtidige TCP-økter: 8000000
Nye TCP-økter per sekund: 450000
Brannmurspolitikk: 10000
Gateway-til-gateway IPSec VPN-tunneller: 2000
Klient-til-gateway IPSec VPN-tunneller: 50000
Samtidige SSL VPN-brukere: 5000
SSL-kontakter per sekund: 5500
Samtidige SSL-forbindelser: 800000
Virtuelle domener: 10
Antall FortiSwitches: 64
Antall FortiAP-enheter: 1024
Antall FortiToken-enheter: 1000
Maksimalt antall registrerte endepunkter: 2000
StatusindikatorerStrøm, status, alarm, lenke/aktivitet, HA
EgenskaperBrannveggbeskyttelse, switching, ruting, VPN-støtte, trafikktilpasning, IPv6-støtte, Høy tilgjengelighet, Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), IPSec Virtual Private Network (VPN), anti-malware-beskyttelse, IPv4-støtte, internettrusselbeskyttelse, CAPWAP-støtte, sjekksumavlastingsstøtte, IP-tunnelakselerasjon, multicast traffic
KrypteringsalgoritmeSSL, 256-bit AES, 256-bits SHA
Ekspansjon / Tilkoplinger
Grensesnitt2 x 10Gb Ethernet - SFP+
8 x 1000Base-T - RJ-45
8 x 1000Base-X - SFP (mini-GBIC)
2 x 1000Base-T (ledelse) - RJ-45
1 x konsoll
2 x USB - Type A
Tilleggsutstyr inkludert2 SX SFP transceivere
Tilpassede standarderUL, VCCI, C-Tick, ICSA IPSec-godkjent, ICSA Firewall-godkjent, cUL, ICSA Antivirus, CB, FCC Part 15 A, IPv6 Ready, USGv6, ICSA SSL-VPN, ICSA IPS
StrømenhetIntern strømforsyning - hot-plug
Installert antall1
Max støttet Ant2
StrømforsyningsredundansValgfritt (opsjon)
Påkrevd nettspenningAC 120/230 V (50/60 Hz)
Strømforbruk ved drift129 watt
Programvare / Systemkrav
OS MedfølgerFortiOS
Min. driftstemperatur0 °C
Maks. Driftstemperatur40 °C
Driftsfuktighet10 - 90% (ikke-kondenserende)